Published in Taos, New Mexico by Dead Cat Press All rights reserved.© Penultimate Issue # 1 - $1.00 or OBO

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Waging Peace

  • Peace Action New Mexico
    Peace Action is committed to abolishing nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction, redirecting excessive military expenditures to domestic investment, ending global weapons trafficking, preventing the erosion of civil liberties both in this country and elsewhere, preventing the militarization of space, and fostering non-military solutions to international conflicts. We are grassroots, member-supported not-for-profit organization whose volunteers and dedicated staff work at local, state, national, and international levels.

    Recent events have confirmed that the American political establishment is not united in support of the Bush Administration's policy of forcible "regime change" in Iraq. The rest of the world, and a good part of the American public, also seem unconvinced of the necessity of an attack.

  • Military Opt Out Form For Students
    For students who do NOT want their high schools to provide the US Military with their birth date, address, social security number for recruitment purposes, please print out the form and deliver it to your principal. Getting a signed receipt of acceptance is also a good idea.

  • Los Alamos Study Group
    The Los Alamos Study Group seeks nuclear disarmament, environmental protection and enhancement, social justice, and economic sustainability Ð goals which are closely interrelated, mutually reinforcing, and essential to one another. These goals are very widely supported in American society and we construe them as essentially conservative, however revolutionary they would be in actual practice.

    We aim not only to change public policy but also to prevent the implementation of bad policies. The latter is often easier to achieve; it comprises de facto policy change and often leads to de jure change.

    The central ideal in these four goals can be stated approximately as respect for the human person in the living landscape. Such an ideal is as intellectually, morally, economically, and politically incompatible with nuclear weapons as it is necessary for economic, social, and spiritual renewal in this state and nationally.

  • Poets Against The War

  • World Issues - A Short List
    Wage Peace to assist peoples of our local community, country and the world in achieving a sustainable life, as well as making all our lives safe and free. Live simply so that others may simply live!

  • Join Granny D
    Doris "Granny D" Haddock, 93, is the chairwoman of the "Our Town Votes" project. She walked across the U.S. in 2000 to support cleaner campaigns with fewer strings attached to special interests.

  • Bringing Back the Draft?

  • A Young PeaceMaker
    Marla Ruzicka is an advocate who began a door-to-door survey of civilian casualties in Iraq the day after Saddam's statue fell. She founded the non-profit organization, CIVIC, Campaign for Innocent Victims In Conflict, and formed survey teams to fan-out across the country and gather first-hand accounts of civilian casualties.
    CIVIC is a small organization working to obtain U.S. Government assistance for communities and families in need, while helping to shine a spotlight on the human costs of war.
    The humanitarian situation in Iraq remains serious. CIVIC seeks to mitigate the impact of the conflict and its aftermath on the people of Iraq by ensuring that timely and effective life-saving assistance is provided to those in need. We have kept the stories of families harmed in both Iraq and Afghanistan on the agenda both on the ground and in the halls of Congress. In the short time we have been operating, we have succeeded in putting laws in place that will assist those we identified in our field survey work.

  • Support the Bill to Create the Department of Peace
  • MISSION- The Department shall--
    (1) hold peace as an organizing principle, coordinating service to every level of American society;
    (2) endeavor to promote justice and democratic principles to expand human rights;
    (3) strengthen nonmilitary means of peacemaking;
    (4) promote the development of human potential;
    (5) work to create peace, prevent violence, divert from armed conflict, use field-tested programs, and develop new structures in nonviolent dispute resolution;
    (6) take a proactive, strategic approach in the development of policies that promote national and international conflict prevention, nonviolent intervention, mediation, peaceful resolution of conflict, and structured mediation of conflict;
    (7) address matters both domestic and international in scope; and
    (8) encourage the development of initiatives from local communities, religious groups, and nongovernmental organizations.

    This legislation has been introduced into the House of Representatives by Dennis Kucinich

  • Peace Action Network for students

    Break the spiral of violence
    Justice, not revenge
    No participation in war
    Development for disarmament
    Wage Peace!

  • The Assisi Decalogue to Peace

  • Refugee Camp

    Our Children

  • Putting Our Children To Work

  • Impact of War On Children

  • Land Mines - Toys for Children


  • Voices of Youth

  • The Bioneers

    Human Rights


    Adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 217A (III) of 10 December 1948

  • Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
  • Voices In the Wilderness
    End the Sanctions Against Iraq!

  • Mobilize for Global Justice
    On April 20, anti-war activists, workers, trade unionists, communities of color, women, lesbian, gay, bi and trans communities, communities of faith, and others will take to the streets of Washington DC to say that Bush cannot speak in our name as his administration carries out the anti-people, pro-corporate, militarist agenda.

  • Luke Powell Photographs
    "Color photographs from Afghanistan, Palestine, Egypt, Ladakh, Ceylon, Iran, and Vermont are mounted here with text material, a technical photography section, and a list of print exhibitions. Now we have two new photo essays on Afghanistan in the year 2000. I would like to thank Middlebury College for for hosting this site. All opinions expressed here, however, are mine alone. Luke Powell "

  • Amnesty International

  • Links to Other Amnesty Organizations
    Provided by Amnesty Internationsal.

  • Physicians For Global Survival-Canada

  • EZLN-Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional

  • Council on Hemispheric Affairs

  • Human Rights Watch

  • More links to Human Rights Issues

  • Human Rights Hangout

  • Mapa del Sitio (Español)

  • Human Rights Mailing Lists

  • The American Civil Liberties Union

  • For Mother Earth

  • Albuquerque Peace and Action Groups

  • Doctors Without Borders

  • Peace Action

    "The Nation's Largest Grasroots Peace Organization"

  • Friends Committee On National Legislation (FCNL)

  • Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

  • National Peace Action
  • American Friends Service Organization
    The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service,
  • The Religious Society of Friends: Quakers
    The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting: Applying the Peace Testimony

  • Quaker Information Network
    Includes history, practices, beliefs and more.

  • Y & M Magazine
    The AFSC National Youth and Militarism Program addresses the impact of war and military institutions on young people's lives. We conduct public education campaigns, trainings and workshops, do media outreach and communications work, and support grassroots educational and organizing efforts.

    News Reports

  • BBC News

  • Christian Science Monitor

  • Colombia Journal - Reports from the emergency delegation to Colombia

  • The Guardian, - from the UK

  • Center for Defense Information - CDI is an independent, non-profit, research organization monitoring military affairs throughout the world.

  • ZNet
    A Community of people dedicated to social change.

  • Horizons Magazine, inciting interest and inspiring action in community - A great on-line magazine, the December issue contains an article on Martin Sheen, "has Martin Sheen's activism hurt his career?"
  • Independent Media Center
  • Jim Hightower - American's #1 Populist
  • Flashpoint - The Internet Human Rights Magazine

  • Michael Moore - Issues, Issues, Issues! (with a sense of humor)

  • MOJOwire - MotherJones Interactive - - Daily news for the Skeptical Citizen
  • Radio For Peace Action
    Radio For Peace International (RFPI) serves as the global messenger of peace and hope to the farthest reaches of the earth. The ultimate goal of RFPI is to create peace in hearts, homes, communities, and all nations of the world.

  • Common Dreams - Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


  • Global Nonviolent Peace Force

  • IGC Internet - Connecting People Who are Changing the World

    Rockets Red Glare

  • International Alert

  • International Peace Academy

  • Space4Peace - Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

  • New Scientist - Multiplying Warheads

  • Mapping a nuclear blast - Would you survive a nuclear blast? Enter any location within the U.S. and get a map of a hydrogen bomb's "zones of destruction". From American Experience, a sub-category for PBS.

  • The Nuclear Resister - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists.

  • Back From the Brink
    A Campaign to Take Nuclear Weapons off the Hair Trigger.

  • Missile Stop Photo Gallery, from Summer 2000

  • Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

  • Our Nuclear Legacy

  • Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research

  • Arms Trade Resource Center A world policy institute run by Bill Hartung, with Frida Berrigan and Michelle Ciarrocca at the New School for Social Research in New York. Clicking on their reports takes you to a treasure chest of important information.

  • Project Abolition - Call for a National Mobilization

  • Abolition 2000 - A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

  • Working Assets
    Working Assets makes it easy for busy people to support causes they care about. Through our credit card and long distance services customers can generate donations for progressive nonprofit groups just by doing what they do every day. Best of all, it does not cost a penny more.

  • Save The Children

  • Working For Change
    How a long distance phone carrier is working for social change in the United States and the world.

  • Peace Jam
    . The goal of PeaceJam is to inspire a new generation of peacemakers who will transform their local communities, themselves and the world.

  • Conflict Resolution
    The Conflict Resolution Information Source (CRInfo) is a cooperative effort to strengthen the conflict field's information infrastructure, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

  • Non-Competitve Games

  • The Center for War/Peace Studies
    The central objective of the CW/PS is to establish an international political and legal system that will make possible the abolition of war.

  • The Peace Corps: The toughest Job You Will Ever Love."

  • Products for Progessives

    p e a c e

    Give Peace a Chance]
    Give Peace a Chance
