Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller on PBS
Buckminster Fuller Network
Synergetics on the Web
Buckminster Fuller Virtual Institute
Applied Synergetics Home Page
Synergetics - Bucky's Magnum Opus
The World of Buckminster Fuller
This is a site that has videos about mystics, seers, and people of vision.
Buckminster Fuller Traveling Miracle Medicine Show
R. Buckminster FAQ
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. This site is a collection of discussions
carried on through usenet concerning the life, philosophy, inventions, and human society of Buckminster Fuller.
R. Buckminster Fuller
"For the first time in history it is now possible to take care of everybody at a higher standard of living than any
have ever known. Only ten years agao the 'more with less' technology reached the point where this could be done.
All humanity now has the option of becoming enduringly successful." - Buckminster Fuller, 1980.
Buckminster Fuller
Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983), inventor, engineer,
scientist, philosopher and poet, bequeathed more guidance to
posterity than any of the great pioneers of Modern architecture,
whose influence and thinking has already waned under
changing circumstances.
R. Buckminster Fuller
Richard Buckminster Fuller: the planet's friendly genius. A scientist, philosopher. Bucky has gained
renown as an inventor and designer (of the Dymaxion house, car and map), the creator of the
geodesic dome, the man who coined the term "Spaceship Earth" and organized the World Game, the
mathematician who discovered Synergetics, and as a dogged individualist whose genius has been felt
throughout the world. He made his mark in areas of architecture, mathematics, philosophy, religion,
urban development and design, naturalism, physics, numerology, art and literature, industry and
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