Our Town
Our visual space is consumed with signs, signs and more signs. We have fenced off our public lands, buried our heritage under concrete and crowded the sides of our roads with more overlapping signs.

Driving into town from the south can be a harrowing visual attack.
This is our town park, now fenced off with barbed wire.

We have this for a graffitti wall, which some people believe is not a good idea, but which the kids desperately need. If we can allow advertising on backboards, we should allow for a graffitti wall.

In every available little bit of space we are being consumed by the corporate war to take away any last bit of open space for their marketing.

This is now our indoor Plaza.

Rented space! To pay for the fellows who go around taking the money.
Our children are subverted from an early age.
Coca-Cola contains caffeine which is a drug!

The sports fields and schools are fenced in with barbed wire and chain link fence - better than the county jail which does not even have a fence around it. Huh?
Th entrance/exit to our middle school has a very inviting approach:

The new football field and putting green at the high school were improved this summer at the cost of $180,000 - that's 5 teachers. That's a fact coming from the superintendent. One teacher was not surprised as sports rules Taos High.

This once elegant 1925 adobe revival home is now a parking lot for a million dollar per room "resort." Not a million dollar room rate but a million dollars to build.
We now have this:

Fortunately thi resort is putting upp a hefty wall in front to hide this monstrosity from view. Yes, I have a personal prejudice as I was evicted from my home of 22 1/2 years so this resort could have a parking lot. They did pave paradise and put up a parking lot - you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. ("Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell)
Taking out good trees:

America the Beautiful
George Carlin
Oh Beautiful,
For smoggy skies,
For insecticided grain,
For strip-mined Mountains majesty,
Above the Asphalt plain.

America, America,
Man sheds his waste on thee,
And hides the pines,
behind the signs,
from sea to oily sea.
How Many Bad Ads Did You See Today?