Food and Sustenance
Do we eat to live of live to eat?
Live simply so that others may simply live.
Food Health
Food Timeline
Food history is full of fascinating lore and contradictory facts. Historians will tell you it is not possible to express this topic in exact timeline format. They are quite right. Everything we eat is the product of culinary evolution. On the other hand? It is possible to place both foods and recipes on a timeline based on print evidence and historic context.
Why Organic?
Over the last 50 years, farming across the United States and beyond has become increasingly reliant on pesticides, fertilizers, and hormones. While this has contributed to a substantial rise in yield, it may wreak havoc on human health and the natural environment. In response, thousands of farmers across the country have switched to organic growing methods. By supporting their efforts, an increasing number of consumers are helping to protect their bodies and the environment.
There is another reason why we should eat only foods grown organically: these foods actually have the taste and texture of what they are supposed to be. If you have ever tasted a real, organically grown tomato, then you will know that the red, round cardboard sold as tomatoes in your local grocery story is not really a tomato but a weak facsimile. Tomatoes are supposed to be juicy!
Fad Diets
Be careful about "dieting" and fads about what foods one should and should not eat.
Slow Food
Founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986, Slow Food is an international association that promotes food and wine culture, but also defends food and agricultural biodiversity worldwide.
It opposes the standardisation of taste, defends the need for consumer information, protects cultural identities tied to food and gastronomic traditions, safeguards foods and cultivation and processing techniques inherited from tradition and defend domestic and wild animal and vegetable species.