Published in Taos, New Mexico by Dead Cat Press All rights reserved.© Penultimate Issue # 1 - $1.00 or OBO

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Site Map


Business Philosophy

Affected Businesses

Eight Ways to Beat Walmart

Facts vs. Myths

Human Rights


Working For Change on Wal-Mart

Local Letters

Walmart SS Solution

Walmart and the Local Economy

What We Stand To Lose

What Others Have Done

People to Contact

Contact TAWSS or call 758-9585


Walmart and Human Rights

"Going into these factories is like entering prison, where you leave your life outside. The factory owners do not let--and don't want--the young workers to think for themselves. They want them to be stupid. The workers need permission to use the bathroom, and they are told when they can and cannot go.

"Young women enter these factories at 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old. They become a mechanism of production, working 9 hours a day plus two, three or four hours overtime, performing the exact same piece operation over and over, day after day. A woman in the pressing department is required to iron 1,200 shirts a day, standing on her feet, her hands and fingers swell up from the hot iron. These young workers rarely last more than six years in the maquila, when they leave exhausted. They leave without having learned any useful skills or developed intellectually. These young workers entered the maquila with a sixth grade education, with no understanding of the maquila, the companies whose clothing they sew or the forces shaping where they fit into the global economy. They soon feel impotent, seeing that the Ministry of Labor does nothing, or almost nothing, to help defend their rights.

Once the women start working in the maquila they often fall into debt. The wages are very low and no one can survive on them."

--A Jesuit Priest in Honduras

  • Walmart dropped from Domini Social Investors list
    on February 1, 2001, Wal-Mart was dropped from the Index and from the Domini Social Equity Fund's portfolio due to Wal-Mart's failure to implement an independent monitoring program of its overseas contract facilities, and various inadequacies in its code of conduct for overseas suppliers.

  • How Walmart is remaking our world

  • Walmart Sweatshops in Honduras

  • Wal-Mart Named in Sweatshop Lawsuit

  • What is a sweatshop?

  • Wal-Mart vs. Reality

  • This site explains the harsh Reality of working in Wal-Mart factories.

  • National Mobilization Against Wal-Mart

  • Clothing Manufacturing Practices in Bahrain

  • UCFW and the Myth of American Made

  • Child Labor Protest at Augusta, Maine

  • Wal-Mart Sweatshop in Honduras

  • Campaign for Economic Justice

  • What Can We Do About Sweatshops?

  • Human Rights for Workers

  • On line newsletter focusing on labor and human rights.

  • Human Rights Watch

  • Dedicated to reporting on human rights abuses with a focus on corporations and human rights,

  • Global Survival Network

  • Investigative reporting and coalition building to confront environmental and labor abuses. A recent report: "Trapped: Human Trafficking for Forved Labor in CNMI (a US Territory)," provided new information, resources and exposure for the march to end sweatshops.

  • Sweatshop Lawsuits

  • Stop Sweatshops