Waging Peace: Issues
Voices in the Wilderness - Current Affirs In Palestine/Israel
A Campaign to End the Economic Sanctions Against the People of Iraq. Two members of VITW have traveled to Palestine and are sending in updates about the Palestine/Israel War.
Battle for the Holyland
With the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, Frontline's
Battle for the Holy Land examines this perilous conflict from the eyes of
those fighting on the ground. "Through unique access to combatants on both
sides, Frontline's film teams take viewers inside the worlds of Palestinian
militants and Israeli commando units, revealing the strategies, weaponry,
and intelligence gathering tactics that have fueled the most recent cycle of
violence." Available are exclusive interviews with the Israeli chief of
staff and Palestinian militia leaders. Also available are a timeline that
traces pivotal events in the escalating conflict since September 2000 (when
the current crisis began), commentary and background readings on the current
conflict, profiles of key Israeli figures, and a rundown on the political
and militant groups behind the Palestinian uprising. Viewers may also access
a selection of key analyses of the conflict, join a discussion forum, and
much more.
Bitterlemons: Palestinian-Israeli Crossfire
With its first edition launched in late 2001, Bitterlemons.org is a weekly
online journal that presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent
issues of concern. Each edition addresses a specific area of controversythat relates to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peace process, as well
as other regional concerns. This journal is produced, edited, and partially
written by Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian who teaches cultural studies at
Birzeit University, and Yossi Alpher, an Israeli and Director of the
Political Security Domain (PSD). The primary goal of the journal "is to
contribute to mutual understanding through the open exchange of ideas." It
also aspires to "impact the way Palestinians, Israelis and others worldwide
think about regional issues." The journal features articles from other
writers with interest in the region and contains interviews with prominent
Israeli and Palestinians. Free subscription is available by entering your e-
mail address on the home page.
Before Taliban: Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad
The University of California Press: Electronic Editions has recently
provided online access to the newly released book _Before Taliban:
Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad_ by David B. Edwards. The text consists of
seven chapters, along with an introduction, glossary, and bibliography. The
chapters are divided into three sections that are accessible individually:
the Saur Revolution, the Pech Uprising, and the Islamic Jihad. This text is
available for free online browsing and study; however, it is not
downloadable. Interested viewers may purchase the book online from the home
Demand the repeal of
Ashcroft's and Bush's USA Patriot Act.
Build an anti-war, anti-racist
movement strong enough to dismantle the Bush perpetual war
Condemn the massive bombing of
Afghanistan that has killed thousands of civilians.
Resist fierce aggression in the Balata and Jenin
refugee camps in the occupied West Bank
Show our solidarity with the
people of the Philippines and Yemen, where Bush has
already dispatched a growing number of U.S. Special
Operations forces to occupy and wage war in their
Show solidarity
with the people of Somalia, who fear a repetition of the
murderous U.S. military actions taken against them in
Condemn the new aggression
waged by the Colombian government and its paramilitary
proxies against the people.
Demand "No
New War Against the People of Iraq"
Stand with the people of
Korea, who reject the new threats delivered by Bush in his
State of the Union message
Extend a hand of solidarity to
the people of Iran who too are threatened by Bush's "axis
of evil" stratagem
Demand an immediate end to the
U.S. blockade of Cuba
Demand that the Bush
administration immediately move to extend unemployment
benefits for the millions of workers who are suffering
Condemn the Bush administration's
reintroduction of a form of apartheid in law enforcement
through the USA Patriot Act that strips non-citizens of
essential democratic rights and legalizes racial and
religious profiling
Demand an end to the use of methods
of racist terror in the United States, most notably the
death penalty. George Bush, while governor of Texas,executed more people than any governor in U.S. history
(152 human beings)
End the War on People on Drugs.
![Give Peace a Chance]](http://laplaza.org/~totem/sign.gif)
Give Peace a Chance