Media Questions

Media Literacy Site Map

Core Concept #2:
Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules.

Each form of communication - whether newspapers, TV game shows or horror movies - has its own creative language: scary music heightens fear, camera close-ups convey intimacy, big headlines signal significance. Understanding the grammar, syntax and metaphor system of media language, especially the language of sounds and visuals which can reach beyond the rational to our deepest emotional core, increases our appreciation and enjoyment of media experiences as well as helps us to be less susceptible to manipulation.
One of the best ways to understand how media are put together is to do just that - make a video, create a website, develop an ad campaign about a community issue. The four major arts disciplines - music, dance, theatre and the visual arts -can also provide a context through which one gains skills of analysis, interpretation and appreciation along with opportunities for selfexpression and creative production.

Key Question #2: What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?

Guiding Questions:
  1. What do you notice about the way the message is constructed?
  2. Colors and shapes?
  3. Sounds and silence?
  4. Props, sets, clothing?
  5. Movement?
  6. Symbols?
  7. Where is the camera? What is the viewpoint?
  8. What are the sounds? Music? Words? Narration? Dialogue? Silence? Sound effects?
  9. How is the story told? Symbols? Metaphors?
  10. What's the emotional appeal? Persuasive devices?
  11. What makes it seem "real"?

    Concept 3
