
a narcotic analgesic. Addictive.
sulfate medication
Morphine is naturally occurring substance in the
opium poppy, Papaver Somniferous. It is a potent
narcotic analgesic, and its primary clinical use
is in the management of moderately severe and
severe pain. After heroin, morphine has the
greatest dependence liability of the narcotic
analgesics in common use.
Morphine is administered by several routes
(injected, smoked, sniffed, or swallowed); but
when injected particularly intravenously, morphine
can produce intense euphoria and a general state
of well-being and relaxation. Regular use can
result in the rapid development of tolerance to
these effects. Profound physical and psychological
dependence can also rapidly develop, and
withdrawal sickness upon abrupt cessation of
heroin use; many of the symptoms resemble those
produced by a case of moderately severe flu.
Morphine is infrequently encountered in the North
American street drug culture. However, mainly
because of its availability in hospitals, there
have been several documented cases of morphine
dependence among health professionals.
Drug Source
Morphine is isolated from crude opium, which is a
resinous prep of the opium poppy, Papaver
Trade Name
Roxinal, MS Contain, Morphine Sulfate
Street Names
"M", morph, Miss Emma
Drug Combinations
Use of morphine plus cocaine, as well as of
morphine plus methamphetamine, has been reported.
However, such combinations are not frequently
Medical Uses
* symptomatic relief of moderately severe to
severe pain;
* relief of certain types of difficult or labored
* suppression of severe cough (rarely);
* suppression of severe diarrhea (e.g., that
produced by cholera).
Physical Appearance
Morphine is legally available only in the form of
its water-soluble salts. Most common are morphine
sulfate and morphine hydrochloride. Both are fine
white crystalline powders, bitter to the taste.
Both are soluble in water and slightly soluble in
For moderate to severe pain the optimal
intramuscular dosage is considered to be 10 mg per
70 kg body weight every four hours. The typical
dose range is from 5 to 20 mg every four hours,
depending on the severity of the pain. The oral
dose range is between 8 and 20 mg; but with oral
administration morphine has substantially less
analgesic potency (approximately one-tenth of the
effect produced by subcutaneous injection) because
it is rapidly destroyed as it passes through the
liver immediately after absorption. The
intravenous route is employed primarily for severe
post-operative pain or in an emergency; in this
case the dose range is between 4 and 10 mg, and
the analgesic effect ensues almost immediately.
Irregular or intermittent users (who are not
substituting the drug for another narcotic
analgesic) may start and continue to use doses
within the therapeutic range (e.i., up to 20 mg).
However, regular users who employ morphine for its
subjectively pleasurable effects frequently
increase the dose as tolerance develops. To take
several hundred milligrams per day is common, and
there are reliable reports of up to four or five
grams (4000 - 5000 mg) per day.
Routes Of Administration
Morphine may be taken orally in tablet form, and
can also injected subcutaneously, intramuscularly,
or intravenously; the last is the route preferred
by those who are dependent on morphine.
Short Term Use
Low Doses (single doses of 5 - 10 mg administered
by S.C or IM injection in non-tolerant users)
CNS, behavioral, subjective :
suppression the sensation of and emotional
response to pain; euphoria; drowsiness, lethargy,
relaxation; difficulty in concentrating; decreased
physical activity in some users and increased
physical activity in others; mild anxiety or fear;
pupillary constriction, blurred vision, impaired
night vision, suppression of cough reflex.
slightly reduced respiratory rate.
nausea and vomiting; constipation; loss of
appetite; decreased gastric motility.
slight drop in body temperature; sweating; reduced
libido; prickly or tingling sensation on the skin
(particularly after intravenous injection).
4 - 5 hours
Dependency Potential
high, continued use results in both psychological
and physical dependency