The 'How to" of Search Engines
Learn how to use search engines, which ones are best for what, as well as exhaustive links to different search engines. The page is a little busy, but does provide excellent information about how to use the engines.
Information Please
Information Please is a cyber-ready reference library
of information derived The Information
Please Almanac, The A&E Information Please Entertainment Almanac,The
ESPN Information Please Sports Almanac, The Information Please Kids'
Almanac, and The Information Please Girls' Almanac, as well as the
Columbia Encyclopedia, and the Random House College Dictionary.
Project Cool provides this meta-search engine that allows simultaneous
searching of up to 23 web development-related sites. The search interface supports
only multiple phrase searching; the providers of the site advise users to
be discriminating in the sites they pick to search. Each search site is
briefly described.
Search for information about Macintosh at MacLaunch