Who Owns the Media?
Why is a mass communication important for democracy?
Who rules in a democracy?
To vote, to stay informed in order to make decisions in your best interest.
Democracy is founded on the idea that people are rational creatures; that when people
have access to information, they are best governed by themselves.
Instead of rule by few, rule by many, but you canıt have that if people arenıt informed.
Who owns the mass media in America?
3 main types of media systems:
Government owned, (China, Saudi Arabia, Iran)state-sponsored censorship, most often
in undemocratic government so ---> blatently undemocratic
Hybrid: Partial State (Public)/Corporate aka private (England, Japan, Canada):
"Public" because when a government is democratic, it is owned by the people
Britain (taxes support cultural, educational, experimental programming that otherwise
wouldnıt be shown because itıs not profitable enough).
Corporate (private): United States
US has the largest and wealthiest media system, aggressively for-profit
First Amendment - govt canıt make a law that abridges freedom of the speech/religion/
press. Press was originally seen as a watchdog, as a check on govt power.
But does First Amendment make censorship illegal?
No, because it only applies to government action. The First Amendment doesnıt prevent
businesses from censoring things.
Understandable, at the time:
When First Amendment? (1791)
There was no such thing as a corporation until the 1800s.
Whatıs the first goal of a corporation?
To earn a profit
AOL/Time Warner
What they really do:You've Got Porn There's money to be made off those chat rooms and porn sites, and AOL is not to be left out of that picture.
"Hungry for sex, we crowd into AOL's sweaty chat rooms,
those thousands of niches in cyberspace with names
that belie the company's apple-pie image. Picking our
way across aol's servers, we huddle in dark corners like
"Smack Smack Oooooo" and "Seeking WFSubs2Breed,"
where we swap fantasies, nudie "self pics," and recycled
photos from hardcore newsgroups carried by AOL."
Disney's overriding objective is to create shareholder value by continuing to be the world's
premier entertainment company from a creative, strategic, and financial standpoint. (That's their stated philosophy!)
How much did Disney really make?
Business Areas Book publishers and clubs; music labels and clubs; professional information; magazines and newspapers; television, film and radio; print and media services; online services, multimedia and E-commerce.
1999 Earnings: 12.86 Billion.
News Corporation
1998 Statistics
Revenues: $21,206,000,000
Income: $ 8,342,000,000
Headed by Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation owns 20th Century Fox, the Fox broadcasting network, the Fox News cable channel, 25 magazines including The Weekly Standard, 132 newspapers including the New York Post and the London Times, HarperCollins books, a number of sports teams, and assorted other business operations.
TCI - Now part of the AT&T Conglomerate
Corprate Partners: Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Discover, Kodak
NBC is mixed up with Microsoft (MSNBC). Need we say any more about THAT empire?
Yes, we do.

Walt Disney Corp., whose profits in 1995 exceeded $1 billion, received $300,000 in federal assistance last year to perfect fireworks displays. But Joseph and Phyllis Fagone of East Boston, who are in their mid-80s and struggling on a fixed income, were among 1,000 state residents whose federally funded fuel assistance ran out before Christmas.<
The Branding of Harry Potter
"In the time it takes to read this sentence, another 24,000
people will have reached for a Coca-Cola. It is the most
familiar product name in the world, recognised by nine out of
10 people, and regularly tops the list of the UK's
biggest-selling soft drinks. "
With the phenomenal success of Harry Potter books and now the movie parents, teachers and children should be made aware of what Ms. Rowlings has done: Sold out to Coca-Cola for approximately $15 million. Coca-Cola paid $150 million to advertise their product with Harry Potter. Please Save Harry!
"Whatever next? Charlie and the Cadbury's Chocolate Factory?
James and the Giant Cape Peach? Or Oliver Twist, with gruel
supplied by Quaker Oats? You can hardly blame us for
worrying: for Harry Potter, the boy wizard who has magically
turned the world's children into bookworms, has been signed
up by global behemoth Coca-Cola. In a $103m deal, the soft
drinks company has won the world marketing rights to Harry
Potter: The Movie. When the film is released, the young
sorcerer's face will appear not only be seen on screens the
world over, but also on cans of Coke, Minute Maid and Hi-C. "
Quoted from The Guardian
Rich Media, Poor Democracy
The Media conglomerate controls more of the Media and Democracy suffers for the dumming down of the news, the stories, and the dialog among people.