We, as consumers, both of goods and information, need to develop the tools and skills necessary to wade through the corporate-speak and get to the nut of the information that we are being sold. The Mass Media: television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and the Internet all have one major common goal: to sell us something. That something may be an over-priced tee-shirt
with a corporate logo or an idea, an idea that in order to be different we need to wear their tee-shirt.
They want us to conform to their ideas of who we are, and their idea is that we are primarily consumers, and we need to buy what they are selling. And they are selling everything that they can, as long as they own it.
What do we consume? We consume their ideas about the news, the sports, the weather, and all the "personalities" they deem to be sellable items. "Sound Bites" is the going parlance. If any wisdom or product cannot be stated on a bumper sticker, then the message will not be absorbed.
That can be Changed:
Don't Give up!
ACME Coalition
We are the most heavily mediated society in world history. Powerful media toolsÑprint, radio, television, the InternetÑcan bring a rich diversity of information into every home and school. Yet just a few corporate players control much of the media system that shapes our culture. Free of funding from Big Media corporations, ACME will:
* Develop, distribute and promote media literacy curricula that encourage critical thinking and free expression, examine the corporate media system, and inspire active participation in society;
* Advocate independent media-making as a critical part of a democratic society and vibrant culture; and
* Support local, state, and national media reform efforts.
Listen Up on KTAO
Marcus "The Word Wizard" Sanders
with Nick the Neuronaut - DJs
Listen Up! - (Thursdays 7pm - 8pm)
Taos youth speak out! Marcus and the gang deal with issues locally and world wide from a youth perspective. You can't ignore the furure - so listen up!
Make YOUR Voice Heard
Cultural Energy is a new nonprofit organization formed to create radio and other media
productions for Northern New Mexico. Our independent organization was formed to open a production
facility and hire staff to train and coordinate volunteers who want to CREATE MEDIA VOICES
for Youth, Arts & Activism. Call 758-9791 to learn how to ADD YOUR VOICE. We
produce media segments and offer completed works to radio stations locally and nationally for
The Merchants of Cool -- PBS
The companion site to an excellent _Frontline_ explores the
symbiotic relationships between teens, the media, and the creators
and sellers of popular culture. In the program, _Frontline_
correspondent Douglas Rushkoff interviews marketers, media
executives, cultural/media critics, and members of the teen market
that the former are so desperately trying to reach (and create).
Among other things, Rushkoff explores the "mook" (young male) and
"midriff" (young female) stereotypes and the marketing of supposedly
anti-establishment rage rockers. At the site, visitors can explore
the major themes of the film, read interview transcripts and the
reactions of teens who viewed the program, and learn about some of
the companies and media giants featured in the film. Also included
are a discussion list, a teacher's guide, and some additional short
Activities that you can do to subvert the dominant paradigm:
The Beginner's Guide to the Media
The Beginner's Guide presents an introductory look at media reform for people new to the issue. Why is the media system the way it is? Why is it important to the issues I care about? What's being done to fix it?
Coalition For Positive Sexuality
Just Say Yes is about having a positive attitude towards
sexuality -- gay, straight,bisexual or whatever. It's about
saying "yes" to sex you do want, and "no" to sex you
don't. It says there's nothing wrong with you if you
decide to have sex, and nothing wrong with you if you
decide not to.
Jean Kilbourne
Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D. is internationally recognized for
her pioneering work on alcohol and tobacco advertising and the image of women in
If you are a teacher or are working with youth in any way, Jean Kilbourne has produced a wealth of resouces on how the media has affected our culture, particularly the culture of teens with images of youth that are damaging and destructive. Her new book is:
Deadly Persuasion:
Why Women and Girls Must Fight the Addictive Power of Advertising
Learn their language.
These are a few of the terms that THEY (who are THEY, anyway?) use.
Read about the changes in our culture.
Produce your own media.
"Listen Up" is where Young Media Producers meet. Come in, meet the young media moguls, explore their work in the galleries and hear what they have to say. Become a Media Producer and participate in the Young Media Producers Festivals!
Media Literacy Resources
Learn deconstruction.
The New Mexico Media Literacy Project believes that media literacy requires independence from media corporations, so we do not take money from the global media giants who are restricting information, redefining freedom, limiting our democracy and presenting so many negative educational choices to our young children.
Ten Things we can Do With Our Children
Ten Things YOU can do as consumer's of media that will change your lives.
A list of the corporations that own the Media and even a cursory reading of what they own and their earnings gives an insight to the word 'conglomerate' which in geological terms means a rock that is made up of several smaller stones and glued with sand.
Conglomerates can be overcome through the use of local media developed for local cultures.
Other Resources that can braoden out understanding and knowledge about this vast media. We also have a short Bibliography of books.